VivirLatino asks Who is the `Most Influential Latino`

Released on = July 17, 2006, 4:18 pm

Press Release Author =

Industry = Internet & Online

Press Release Summary = It's no news that the Latino community in the United Status
is one of the most influential forces in the country, with power that can be felt
even at a global level.
But who exactly are the heroes of this community? Who do the more than 40 million
Latinos living in the U.S. and helping move the country forward follow, respect,
admire and love? VivirLatino, a daily publication featuring all the latest in Latino
style, entertainment, culture and politics wants to answer that question and is
doing so via its first annual "Most Influential Latino 2006" poll.

VivirLatino has assembled a list of Latinos who enjoy the most publicity, political
and economic power and influence in their fields, and now readers will have the
final say on who is "The Most Influential Latino". The list includes personalities
from all walks of life, from the United States and abroad, but the poll is meant to
explore who U.S. Latinos consider most influential, regardless of where the
candidates hail from. "Most Influential Latino" is not a popularity contest, but
rather a gauge of who the U.S. Latino community believes exerts the most influence
in his or her field or profession.

Press Release Body = SAN FRANCISCO, JULY 17, 2006 -- It's no news that the Latino
community in the United Status is one of the most influential forces in the country,
with power that can be felt even at a global level.

But who exactly are the heroes of this community? Who do the more than 40 million
Latinos living in the U.S. and helping move the country forward follow, respect,
admire and love? VivirLatino, a daily publication featuring all the latest in Latino
style, entertainment, culture and politics wants to answer that question and is
doing so via its first annual "Most Influential Latino 2006" poll.

VivirLatino has assembled a list of Latinos who enjoy the most publicity, political
and economic power and influence in their fields, and now readers will have the
final say on who is "The Most Influential Latino". The list includes personalities
from all walks of life, from the United States and abroad, but the poll is meant to
explore who U.S. Latinos consider most influential, regardless of where the
candidates hail from. "Most Influential Latino" is not a popularity contest, but
rather a gauge of who the U.S. Latino community believes exerts the most influence
in his or her field or profession.

Among the candidates for "The Most Influential Latino 2006" are:

 Jennifer Lpez
 Daddy Yankee
 Juanes
 Eva Longoria
 Salma Hayek
 Markos Moulitsas Ziga (Daily Kos)
 Cristina Saralegui
 Jorge Ramos
 Alberto Gonzles
 Antonio Villaraigosa

Voting will take place on and will be open beginning July 17th
through August 31, 2006. The results will be released the first week of September
2006 on the site and via press release.

The votes will be automatically tabulated via a neutral system that neither editors
nor readers may influence. Additionally, the same system will be able to detect any
voting irregularities to ensure the accurate and fair tabulation of votes.

VivirLatino hopes this initiative will be entertaining for the thousands of readers
who come to the site daily for news and commentary, and will become the go-to who's
who list of Latino influencers.

About VivirLatino
VivirLatino is a daily publication developed by Blogs Media, featuring all the
latest in Latino style, entertainment, culture and politics created for the diverse
and influential Latino and Latina community in the U.S.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Press Contacts:
Catorce Communications
(415) 713-3491

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